Over 90% of Quebec SMEs are family businesses. To successfully transfer the business to the next generation you need to follow a comprehensive, disciplined and well-thought-out process that involves a key human component. Take advantage of our unique, integrated business transfer approach.

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Olivier Gariépy
Senior Manager | CPA, M.Fisc. | Tax

Event promoters, are you familiar with Regulation 105? This federal tax rule applies to contracts with an international artist in Canada.

Cultural events and festivals in Quebec include Canadian and international artists in order to present a diverse and competitive program. From a contractual stand point, signing a Canadian or international artist is essentially the same and involves negotiating the following: fees, equipment, accommodations, transportation, meals, etc. However, there is one difference for an international artist—the event promoter’s tax liability.

International artist’s fee instalments

A contract between an event promoter and an international artist to provide services in Canada for fees is covered by federal tax Regulation 105. Under this Regulation, the payer (event promoter) is required to withhold and remit an instalment equal to 15% of the fees paid to the non-resident (international artist) to the Canada Revenue Agency within a prescribed deadline. Furthermore, if the service is provided in Quebec, an additional amount of 9% must be withheld. To recover some or all of the withholding, the non-resident is required to file an income tax return in Canada.

This Regulation is simple to apply, however, failure to do so could cause problems for the payer, who could be liable for a penalty of 10% of the amounts to be remitted.

Streamlined procedure: prevention is better

Fortunately, the tax rules provide for relief mechanisms (waiver application) and a streamlined procedure for artists. It is to the benefit of any organization, from both an operational and financial perspective, to ensure proactive management of contracts that could be subject to Regulation 105. This simply requires that the application of Regulation 105 be determined at the time of signing a contract with a non-resident, making and remitting any withholding required or filing a waiver application.

Over the long term, failure to comply with Regulation 105 could prove to be expensive and time consuming for an organization’s directors. Whether they are making a voluntary disclosure or undergoing a tax audit, the directors will need to spend considerable time on this matter. Financially, these can be very costly situations. For example, it may be necessary to finance the unremitted payments (such as taxes, penalties or interest), depriving the organization of some of its operating budget.

Don’t hesitate to contact our experts to obtain good advice.

28 Sep 2018  |  Written by :

Olivier Gariépy is a tax expert at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton. Contact him today!

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Jean-François Boudreault
Vice President and General Manager - AURAY Leadership | Human resources consulting

Updated on September 22, 2023

Implementing a human resources plan means you’re providing equitable working conditions for your team, both internally and externally.

A basic human resources plan is not just for large organizations. It is possible to develop and adapt tools for your situation, such as an employee handbook, internal rules, a code of conduct, standard work contracts, job descriptions, onboarding and integration tools, a compensation policy and many more. These tools will provide your business with clear rules and avoid several issues.

The tools or skills presented below can be used to support your success:

Performance appraisal

Develop a competitive advantage as an employer with a simple and efficient performance appraisal program. This tool promotes employee engagement and a common understanding of mutual expectations without excessive control.

Most employees want feedback on their performance, particularly those in generation Y. Competencies to be developed in order to advance or take on more responsibilities can be outlined, an approach that also boosts employee retention.

The ability to delegate

Are you always putting out fires? Do you think you know better than anyone how to perform tasks in all departments? Do you suddenly realize that you’ve responded to social media messages, made arrangements to have the truck repaired and prepared the financial statements all on the same day? It’s probably time to start delegating. A clear plan, supported by psychometric tests, will help you identify key individuals, based on skills, who can (finally) take over certain tasks so you can focus on what you do best.

Planning HR needs

Even the most technologically advanced company needs human intervention to deliver the final product. A seamless business strategy on paper still has to pass the live performance test.

Planning your organization’s current and future staffing needs today will help you develop solutions to meet your hiring, promotion, business experience knowledge transfer and succession management objectives.

Efficient communications to manage change

In times of change, a business’s employees are the key to success.

Beyond the technological aspects, if you’re planning an expansion, a change in the organizational structure, new work methods, make sure you focus on employee communication right from the onset.

Be transparent and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the changes, the upcoming steps and what is expected of each person.

A balanced agenda

Now, more than ever, we are being pulled in all directions. It’s important to learn how to manage priorities, deal with emergencies and control disruptions that interrupt concentration. It is possible to organize tasks, telephone calls, emails, instant messages and discussions around the coffee machine to take advantage of them and not find yourself wondering where half your productive time went during the day.

Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton’s management consulting team can assist you in implementing a clear and efficient communication plan to foster employee engagement in a change situation. Contact our human resource professionals, they can help you unlock your organization’s full potential.

17 Sep 2018  |  Written by :

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Jean-François Boudreault
Vice President and General Manager - AURAY Leadership | Human resources consulting

Updated on April 24, 2023

How a manager communicates with employees plays a pivotal role in employee retention and engagement.

The word communication comes from the Latin communicare, to share. It’s important to remember that communicate and inform do not mean the same thing.

One message, two styles

To illustrate two very different communication styles, we can use the example of two diametrically opposite animals: a crocodile and an elephant.

You’ll recognize the crocodile in a supervisor who talks all the time and implements solutions without trying to understand what caused the situation in the first place. The crocodile’s jaws are much bigger than its ears, it talks a lot and doesn’t listen much. His sharp comments can be hurtful and if you go against him, he can bite back.

A supervisor who listens is more like the elephant. He asks open questions, seeks advice, restates messages and tries to understand a situation before acting. Like the elephant, he’s all ears. The employee feels valued and respected. The elephant is not afraid to acknowledge having made an error.

Listening first to communicate better after

In our management consulting practice, we sometimes come across crocodile-type supervisors, especially if they are new to the position and want to make their mark. Employees will certainly feel frustrated and disheartened (why should I speak up, he/she won’t listen to my idea?) and may even leave the organization to go somewhere where their skills and opinions are appreciated. Knowing someone is paying attention makes employees feel valued and doesn’t cost the organization anything.

When a person feels misunderstood, hearing someone else speaking loudly or too much may only make matters worse. In these cases, it’s best to have “an elephant in the room”. Being quiet and listening carefully—without thinking about your answer at the same time—promotes efficient communication.

Five tips for better communication

  1. Listen carefully to what’s being said, without distractions. If you don’t have the time, or you’re busy, say so or postpone the discussion.
  2. Pay attention to non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions or body language. The speaker doesn’t want to feel like prey facing a crocodile!
  3. Don’t start thinking about an answer while the other person is speaking.
  4. Repeat what the person has said in your own words to confirm your understanding. Use expressions such as “If I understood you correctly, you’re saying that …” or “From what I can see, you’re not comfortable with …”.
  5. Use psychometric tests to become aware of different behaviours. Our personality traits partly dictate our behaviours and attitudes. For example, someone extroverted in a position of authority and with strong leadership skills may tend to talk a lot and take over the conversation with employees and colleagues.

With work and practice, communication skills can be developed, just like any other ability. In today’s business world, they are key for any supervisor, regardless of the hierarchical level and will contribute to his or her success.

17 Sep 2018  |  Written by :
